Prof. Dr. Khalid Mehmood

Vice Chancellor

Prof. Dr. Khalid Mehmood

Vice Chancellor

ALUMNI Punjab University

School of Economics

The School of Economics at Punjab University stands as a beacon of academic excellence and a hub for pioneering research in the dynamic field of Economics. Established with a commitment to fostering intellectual growth and contributing to the societal well-being through cutting-edge research, the institution has consistently upheld its reputation as a center of learning that molds individuals into competent contributors to the nation’s development.

One of the remarkable hallmarks of the School of Economics is the significant impact its alumni have had on the socio-economic landscape of the country. These distinguished graduates have played an instrumental role in shaping policies, driving innovation, and contributing to the overall progress of the nation. Their accomplishments span various sectors, from government and public policy to the private industry, showcasing the versatility and depth of the education provided at the School of Economics.

The alumni network of the School of Economics serves as a testament to the institution’s success in nurturing talent and providing a robust academic foundation. These individuals, equipped with the knowledge and skills acquired during their time at the university, have become leaders and change-makers in their respective fields. By maintaining a strong connection with this accomplished alumni community, the School of Economics aims to build a bridge between the past and the present, leveraging the wealth of experience and expertise these individuals bring to the table.

Strengthening ties with alumni is not merely a gesture of nostalgia; it is a strategic move with profound implications for the institute’s credibility and growth. The experiences and insights of alumni can offer invaluable perspectives that enhance the academic curriculum, ensuring it remains relevant and responsive to the evolving needs of the economic landscape. Furthermore, the achievements of alumni serve as a living testimony to the quality of education provided at the School of Economics, contributing significantly to the institute’s reputation and standing in academic and professional circles.

A robust relationship with alumni can also open doors for collaborative research initiatives, partnerships, and mentorship programs. The practical knowledge and real-world experience that alumni bring can enrich research endeavors, providing a practical dimension to theoretical frameworks. This collaboration not only benefits the current students but also reinforces the School of Economics’ position as a thought leader in the field.

Dean Faculty of Business, Economist & Administrative Sciences at University of the Punjab

At the School of Economics, Punjab University, our commitment to excellence in academic and research endeavors continues to propel us forward as a leading institution. As the head of the School of Economics, I take immense pride in the thriving environment we have cultivated, fostering the intellectual growth of students who come to us from diverse backgrounds across the nation and beyond.

Our primary objective is to mold individuals into proficient professionals capable of making substantial contributions to the realms of Business, Economics, Public Finance, and Econometrics. We strive to equip our students with the skills, knowledge, and analytical acumen necessary to navigate the complexities of today’s dynamic economic landscape.

One of the hallmarks of our success lies in the rich tapestry of our Alumni community. These accomplished individuals, scattered across various fields such as education, research, business, and public administration, stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our educational programs. Many of our Alumni have ascended to prestigious ranks within the government, shaping policies and making a positive impact on society.

Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Anwar Chaudhary

Chief Patron Alumni School of Economics

Ch. Muhammad Saleem

Founder President Alumni

Founder President Alumni Punjab University Economist Forum

As I assume the role of President of the Alumni Association, I am honored to address the accomplished graduates of the School of Economics at Punjab University. Our alma mater has thrived in its commitment to delivering exceptional academic and research opportunities to students, fostering a community that spans regions and transcends borders.

Our shared vision of producing professionals who excel in Business, Economics, Public Finance, and Econometrics has not only been realized but continues to evolve with the diverse expertise of our esteemed alumni. It brings me immense pride to witness your names etched in the annals of education, research, business, and public administration, as well as your notable contributions to various ranks within the government.

The rich tapestry of our Alumni community is a testament to the success of the School of Economics. Each of you has played a pivotal role in shaping the legacy we now inherit. Your achievements serve as an inspiration to current students, illustrating the heights that can be reached with dedication, perseverance, and the foundational education provided by our esteemed institution.

I strongly believe that fostering a robust connection between alumni and Alma Mater is not just a commitment but a shared responsibility. Your continued involvement is crucial in enhancing the quality of educational programs and creating a living bridge between the past and present. Your experiences and insights can guide the next generation as they navigate the complexities of their academic and professional journeys. I am enthusiastic about the journey ahead and look forward to collaborating with you to further strengthen our ties, celebrate our shared successes, and create a lasting impact on the School of Economics at Punjab University. Special thanks to all Alumni Economist who have elected me as President.


How Service Finder Works


Annual Get Together

We care about you, we organize annual get together for you to meet up with your loved ones


Forward Thinking

we provide you the platform to stand with your teachers, make your memories and build your network.


Problem Solvers

Problems in your career, we help you to make decisions with effective solutions. We give you the maturity to make yourself up.

Friend's Message
Malik Zafar Iqbal Khemtah

Chaudhry Muhammad Saleem, is an association in himself due to his numerous qualities, charming personality, influence, and enchanting character. Because of him, we hold our friends dear to our hearts and they are the heartbeat of our souls. Undoubtedly, if we were to call him the maestro of the Economics Department of the university, it would not be an exaggeration. They undertake such challenging tasks that even thinking about them requires a deep consideration. Read More


Why SoE-PU Alumni

Punjab University has more than 100 departments and institutes, but very few have so close networking with their alumni. It is a matter of pride that SOE-PU is one of those few who have an active and vibrant Alumni Association.
  • Our Vision

    SoE-PU Alumni Association is a vibrant organization that is recognized as a valuable resource by the SoE- PU Community. A dedicated Executive Committee will partner effectively with Alumni Services to offer programs that foster its traditions and perpetuate a passion for a life-long involvement with the SOE.

  • Our Mission

    To provide a forum creating a life-long relationship between the IBA and its alumni.

  • Our Goals

    The pioneers of the SoE-PU Alumni Association have given their successors a clear path to follow. Here is what they had envisioned at the time of creation of this Association.


Trusted by thousands of students all over the University

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